Perspective: Houston, Day One (July 9)

It has been some time since I was really involved in synodical leadership.  The last time I attended a convention was six years ago, and while I am blessed to serve on the South Wisconsin District Board of Directors, my involvement in our church body at large has been minimal since my illness several years ago.

Because of this, it struck me today, upon my arrival in Houston, how different my perspective is now than it was six years ago when I was a delegate.  Six years ago I was all about fixing what is wrong, making the synod safe for democracy, something like that.  My theological views haven’t really changed much in six years, but my self-understanding as a pastor has changed dramatically.  I’m no longer interested in the politics, the personalities, and all of the juicy gossip that every human institution inevitably breeds.  At this point I am really asking the question, where is Christ?  Where is the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins?  Where is the healing for the brokenhearted, the balm of Gilead that can only come from the divine Word?

I know this is a little rambling.  It’s late, but I wanted to get something written for the day.  There are many friends here, old and new.  It’s great to see them all.  There are people I have been in conflict with in various was here as well.  I pray for reconciliation.  There will be lots of back room deals and shenanigans.  There always are.  But in the midst of it all, God can and is still at work.  Sometimes it happens through us.  Sometimes it happens in spite of us.  Sometimes both at the same time.  It is my prayer this week that the decisions and elections that take place here in Houston will further His Kingdom, and that the old hymn will remain true, “Lord, help us ever to retain, the catechisms doctrine plain, as Luther taught the word of truth, in simple words to tender youth!”

-Pastor Todd Peperkorn

Circuit 26 Pastoral Delegate (South Wisconsin District)

Kenosha, Wisconsin


PS CARDS WIN!  8-0 over the Astros.  Go Cards!


Houston Report #1



2 thoughts on “Perspective: Houston, Day One (July 9)

  1. Thanks for sharing. I have similar thought going into this, but I won't be voting. So will be able to observe it all from a different angle than you. May God guide you delegates as you cast your votes.

  2. Amazing. Bud Norris was 4-0 vs. the Cards with a 0.35 ERA (he and my wife are alumni of Cal Poly SLO, so I've paid more attention to him than I ordinarily would have.)

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