Where do you go for inspiration?

Where do you go for inspiration on sermons?  Don’t say the Bible.  I know that.

Probably the most fruitful place I seem to go the last couple years has been Johan Gerhard’s Postilla, published by Repristination Press.  This volume is simply fantastic.  I am constnatly amazed by his breadth of biblical knowledge, and the connections he draws.

But I’d like to know.  Where do you go?  What are you reading?


One thought on “Where do you go for inspiration?

  1. Honestly, Luther’s house postil; Scaer sermons. I do this even if there is no sermon on the text I’m preaching. Somehow it gets me in the mood to write. Then I look around at some of the guys’ websites I know and check their sermons out. Mostly, it’s reading sermons.

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