Perspective: Houston, Day One (July 9)

It has been some time since I was really involved in synodical leadership.  The last time I attended a convention was six years ago, and while I am blessed to serve on the South Wisconsin District Board of Directors, my involvement in our church body at large has been minimal since my illness several years […]

Do Clothes Make the Man? What to wear at a synodical convention

This will be my fourth synodical convention I have attended, and the second as a delegate.  One of the questions which always seems to surface in a major way is the all-important question: WHAT TO WEAR?  For laity, the answer is simple: business casual.  Being neither laity nor a businessman, I’m not entirely sure I know what […]

Should I post updates during the LCMS convention?

I am considering using my techie powers for good and writing daily updates from the convention while I’m there.  My question to you is, is this something you would find helpful?  Leave a comment and let me know.  Thanks. -Peperkorn

The Presence, by Berthold von Schenk

This book, listed above, isa rather interesting book written if I recall in 1945.  Berthold von Shenk is often cited and considered one of the fathers of the liturgical movement in the LCMS.  He is without a doubt one of the more interesting characters, that’s for sure.   Rev. Paul Sauer did a nice job with […]