My answer to the ELCA Gay/Lesbian Clergy question

The following is a slightly edited version of an email I wrote recently responding to a question about what “we believe” regarding Gay & Lesbian Clergy. Since I’m sure it will come up in other contexts, here are my thoughts: Dear Friend, …The short answer is that we believe along with the Scriptures that any […]

Writing bios for Lutheran Service Book: Hymnal Companion

I was engaged some time back by the Rev. Jon Vieker to write some biographies for the forthcoming Lutheran Service Book, Hymnal Companion.  The companion is a monumental task, and I am very happy to only be responsible for a small portion of it.  These are the ten men and one women whom I am […]

The Saccharine Jesus

I just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. It’s been a long time since I read it, if ever. The premise is a world of mostly self-imposed censorship, because people simply no longer desired to read and to think. it’s also a commentary on the passive nature of television and other audio media. This […]

My Favorite Things

In the vein of the Sound of Music, here are a few of my favorite things: Preaching the Gospel Singing “I Bind Unto Myself Today” at church and the congregation not freaking out My kids My wife A liturgical service that just flows the way God intended it. Trumpets Teaching bible class Reading Books, either […]

SWD UNANIMOUSLY Resolves to Support Issues Etc.!

The South Wisconsin District Pastors Conference just passed the following resolution UNANIMOUSLY by voice vote. ____________________________________________________________ Resolution for South Wisconsin District Pastoral Conference April 7-9 2008 Whereas: Issues Etc. weekday and national Sunday night show was cancelled on Tuesday March 18th; and Whereas: Issues Etc. averaged around 250,000 podcast downloads each month making it easily […]