[This is my letter of referral for the DOXOLOGY program of Advanced Training in Pastoral Care. I would encourage all of you to learn more about the amazing work that this organization is doing. -P] September 23, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: “It is as if an angel was sitting and talking to us […]

Brother trip

I won’t be around much for a few days. My brother, Troy, is graduating from the University of Iowa with a degree in Latin and Ancient Civilizations. Normally the response to such a fine liberal arts degree would be, “do you want fries with that?” But in this case, he will put it to very […]

Signing off for a bit

Well, we are off on vacation for a week and a day, so I’ll be signing off for a bit.  Kathryn and I are going to Germany!  Bavaria, to be exact.  Munich, Nurenberg, Neuendettelsau, and a little ski resort called Mittenwald.

Preaching from the Whole Bible, by Bo Giertz

This little volume, recently republished by Lutheran Legacy Publishing, is a delightful resource for churches and pastors that use the historic lectionary. It’s 141 pages, and costs only $15. There are two pages on each Sunday of the Church Year. In it he takes a doctrine that the Sunday proclaims, has 20-30 Scripture references in […]

Ridiculous Snow

So we were/are supposed to be getting the greatest of all storms right now. Up to 20 inches they were predicting. now they are saying 10-15, but it is nasty outside.  The silly KUSD (Kenosha Unified School District) didn’t call off school this morning.  Fortunately we did.  He’s a picture from our front yard: This […]