15 Years, The Third Chapter

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it […]

The Sign We Were Told to Take Down

Our congregation has been a polling station for several years now.  It is a good thing to encourage citizens to vote and to support our government and its regular processes.  One of the many blessings of our nation is the relatively peaceful process by which we handle elections.  Community and civic centers around the country […]

Regarding the Call to Immanuel, Alexandria

The following is the letter that I asked to be read at Immanuel Lutheran Church this morning: June 29, 2008 Mr. Wayne Schroeder, President Immanuel Lutheran Church and School Alexandria, Virginia Dear Mr. Schroeder, Greetings in Christ!  I pray that this day finds you well and in good spirits, as we await the coming of […]

Announcement to congregation regarding call to Virginia

This past weekend I had my head elder read the following letter to the congregation: June 17, 2008 Dear friends and fellow redeemed at Messiah Lutheran Church, This past week at their voters’ assembly service, I received a divine call to serve as associate pastor and principal of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Alexandria, […]

Ridiculous Snow

So we were/are supposed to be getting the greatest of all storms right now. Up to 20 inches they were predicting. now they are saying 10-15, but it is nasty outside.  The silly KUSD (Kenosha Unified School District) didn’t call off school this morning.  Fortunately we did.  He’s a picture from our front yard: This […]