“Filled with the Spirit” –Sermon on Ephesians 5:15-21

The following is the sermon I preached for my daughter, Renata Peperkorn’s installation as Kantor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I am deeply thankful and honored to be able to preach for this wonderful, joyous event. What a gift! Below you will find a link to the YouTube of the service, including the […]

Higher Things and BJS: Really?

Seventeen years ago, I was blessed to be involved with the formation of a youth organization that became Higher Things. It began with the Dare to Be Lutheran conference in Laramie, Wyoming, in the summer of 2000. Since that time, tens of thousands of youth have received Christ, received the gifts of God, and have […]

Monkey Brains

Not long ago I was listening to a podcast that off-handedly mentioned the problem of when our “monkey brain” seems to take over. By this the author meant those times when we are so distracted it seems impossible to accomplish a thing. Like a monkey who can’t stay still in a cage, we jump from […]

How Do I Speak to My Adult Children About Jesus?

[This is an article I wrote for our church newsletter.  I would welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. -Peperkorn] How Do I Speak to My Adult Children About Jesus? One of the questions that I am often asked as a pastor is how to speak to adult children about Jesus Christ and the […]