Task/Project/Time Management and the Pastor

I recently had the opportunity to gather together with a small group of DOXOLOGY alumni to discuss ways of improving the DOXOLOGY program, how to reach more pastors, and the like.  One of the topics which came to mind was the question of time management.  I thought y’all might appreciate some of my thoughts on […]

On Calls in the LCMS Today

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the situation of pastoral calls in the United States today.  For those who do not know, this past week was Call Week at both of our LCMS seminaries.  The LCMS Joint Seminary Fund recently put out their little PDF file listing where everyone is going, if you’re interested (with some tragic […]

My memory of Pastor Ness

I spend a lot of time with children in my daily work as a pastor. A lot of that comes from our congregation’s joint school, Christ Lutheran Academy. We also have a pre-school, Little Lambs Learning Center, and I have first communion/confirmation instruction for 4-7th grade. Plus I do things on the side for Higher […]

Ministering as if already dead

I heard an essay/interview on NPR last night about a soldier in Iraq who suffered from post-traumatic stress. One of the things that he said which really flooded me was that he became much more effective as an officer when he had resigned himself to the fact that he was going to die in Iraq, […]

123 Meme « Esgetology

My friend Christopher Esget tagged me on this a while back, so I’ll show it to you: Turn to page 123 of the book nearest to you. Count the first five sentences. Post the next three. The book is Pastors in Transition: Why Clergy Leave Local Church Ministry, by Dean R. Hoge and Jacqueline E. […]