Singin’ with the choir….again

This Saturday, October 22, I will be singing with the Choral Arts Society of SE Wisconsin in their performance of the Monteverdi Marian Vespers of 1610.  It has been a long time since I sang regularly with a top of the line choir, and so this is a welcome addition to my life here in Kenosha.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows us that music plays a pretty major role in the Peperkorn household.  Kathryn and I basically met in choir in college.  Our son, Richard, is named after our two favorite choir directors (Richard Resch and Edmund Martens).  Music plays a central role in our lives at both church and at our academy and with opera.  However, there is simply no replacing singing in a great choir.

I freely admit my trepidation at joining CAS.  As a husband of Kathryn and father of four children, a pastor, and all around nerdy busyperson, the time commitment is somewhat crazy.  Add to that the fact that I have a pretty difficult time not diving into things 116% or more.  I have a tendency to get into something, go bananas with it, and then burn myself out.

But I think this is different.  I don’t remember a fall when I have been more relaxed and less depressed.  We are just as busy as usual, and there are plenty of causes for stress.  But there is something about being able to spend one evening a week singing some of the greatest music ever written that revives the soul.

As a pastor who suffers from depression, I am very cognizant of the need to find outlets that are not church related, relaxing, and that will help to refresh and reengage.  For me, this seems the perfect fit.

So thank you, Maestro Schatzman, for playing an important part in our lives.  It’s insane, but that’s how musicians roll.



Event Details



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